Sunday, October 24, 2010


Hadley, M., & Sheingold, K. (1990). Accomplished teachers:  Integrating computers into classroom practices. Retrieved on October 15, 2010 from /PDFS/ ED322900.pdf
This article describes teachers and their accomplishments through integrating several technologies into their classrooms.

Holum, A., Gahala, J., & North Central Regional Educational Lab., O. (2001). Critical issue: Using technology to enhance literacy instruction. Retrieved from ERIC database.
This article reflects that technology can create better readers.

Hooper, S., & Rieber, L. P. (1995). Teaching with technology. Retrieved October 15, 2010, from 
This article discussed how to teach and grow by using technology.

Kelley, L., & Ringstaff C. (2002).  The learning return on our educational technology investment.  Retrieved on October 15, 2010, from Tabs/Educators/learningreturn.pdf
This article shows what can happen when technology is learned and used by a teacher and shared with students.
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