Sunday, October 10, 2010

BP_5 Web 2.0 Tool Tizmos

Tizmos is a great organizational tool and it is perfect for those who teach young chidren.  I plan on using this tool tomorrow!

Have you ever had to help your students get to their favorite game because they can't read the title of the website in the bookmarks?  This is something that happens in my classroom often.  I find myself helping my students find the game they want to play and this wastes time that I could be spending with someone else.  Tizmos will eliminate this altogether. Tizmos is basically a homepage with thumbnail pictures that you can click on and be taken directly to the website with out typing in a url or looking through bookmarked pages.

 Above you see what my Tizmos homepage will look like this week.  My students will choose and play a different game each day.  I know after this new homepage is introduced finding games will be much easier for the students and they will have more of a choice.  The great thing is that I can add and delete websites weekly and I can share my Tizmos page with parents on my classroom website so they can have access to these games at home as well.

The only thing I didn't like about the site was the flashy advertisement banner at the bottom of the page.  I think this may be a distraction to some of my students.  Overall though this is a great find and I am excited about incorporating it into my classroom.


  1. This is great and such a timesaver! All the "Teacher! Teacher!" cals may be to show you what they accomplished instead of to help them find where to go. It also seems like a good way to teach choices, since they will have different options and through process of elimination that can choose one instead of being forces to play something they don't necessarily want to. It's like a kid version of the igoogle page! Awesome idea, and I'll pass it along to my staff.

  2. Ashlee,
    This tool is ideal for young children especially for struggling readers. This is definitely a tool to be used as soon as possible in my classroom. This will save a lot of time. Thanks
