Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 2 Wimba Archive Response

I was unable to attend Wimba for week 2 due to a prior commitment on Monday evening. After watching the archive I have a better understanding of copyright, fair use, and using Creative Commons as a resource. I typically don't used creative commons because I would rather use my own work, but learning more about it has encouraged me to see what the site has to offer.

Creative Commons Image

The part of Wimba that really stood out to me was the q and a portion. I always enjoy when Wimba becomes interactive and gets me thinking. It was also interesting to listen to the questions that my classmates had. It always seems like we all have the same questions, but there's one brave person who steps up to the plate and asks.

A comment in the chat box after all being said was..."When in doubt make your own!" Janenne said this and I feel that this is the only way to stay safe...or just be sure to give credit where credit is due. We are all Garage Band experts by now anyway, right??

I am more clear now, but feel like I still have some questions, so I will be sure to use the website: to do some more research when time provides.  

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