Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 2 Post #4

Now that my ARP is complete I can say that my results turned out pretty much as I expected. I am just happy that I realized that my old methods were not working as well as I wanted them to and now I have a method that seems to work better. I am happy to have had the opportunity to incorporate more technology into my classroom instead of boring flashcards! Next year I plan on involving all my students in learning sight words through technology. It will be fun for all.

On another note, I was just informed that I will have a student teacher starting the first day of school next year. Does anyone have any good advise for me? I want to give her the best experience possible and I would love any creative advise to make sure this happens. I know that I plan on sharing as much as possible from what I have learned through Full Sail especially. Thanks everyone!

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